
Showing posts from January, 2024

CM009 | Content Management – Frame It! (Part 1)

Good grief. That was a bit rough. That discovery process was straight out of Dante’s Divine Comedy – the Ninth Circle of Hell, to be precise. But we made it through in one piece. Sort of. For me, discovery is by far the most soul-destroying part of the process. It’s long-winded, it’s tedious, and it never seems to friggin end. Until it does, and then I find myself thinking about how badly I need to never, ever do that again. Until next time, of course. On a happier note, completing the discovery process means we now have a far better idea of the kind of data we need to cater for and we can start forming a picture of the types of metadata we are likely to need. Let’s recap the final output from the last time we met: This breakdown tells us we need to cater for three primary content categories, or, in SharePoint terminology, we need to cater for three distinct content types: Agreements; Finance Documents; and Personal Documents When we assess the exact metadata requireme

CM008 | Content Management - Start At The Beginning

As you’ve probably figured out by now, I have a family of hamsters living in my brain and the hamster wheel is frequently out of service. I think of myself as barely house trained - I am naturally chaotic and housekeeping is SO not on the top of my list of fun things to do, but at the same time, visual clutter makes me ANXIOUS. ADHD is a barrel of laughs. In my personal life I try to organise the layout of my environment in such a way that the correct place for storing an item is also the place my hand naturally reaches for it: mugs directly above the coffee machine, sugar next to the mugs, pantry items stored and grouped based on what is most likely to be used together, and so on. That way, both packing items away and retrieving them can essentially be done on autopilot. It's not perfect, but it helps. As it turns out, good content management uses a lot of the same principles I use when organising my spice rack. And man, there is no better feeling than logging into my worksp